Regular Exfoliation without the Pollutants

Many exfoliants (and toothpastes) contain tiny microbeads of plastic, and we now know they’re a major pollutant. Washed down our drains they are tiny enough to pass through our water filtration systems to end-up in rivers and oceans worldwide.

Plastic Microbeads are Chemical Sponges

New research has discovered that these micro plastics also act like tiny sponges. They bond with lots of other chemical pollutants already in the water like pesticides, flame retardants and industrial chemicals, even metals like copper, lead and nickel, concentrating them all.

These heavily polluted plastic particles are then eaten by fish, ingested by clams and oysters or other marine life. The toxins de-absorb in the gut and end-up in the fish tissue. That yummy seafood platter is at risk of becoming a chemical platter!

Safe, All Natural Exfoliant Alternatives

It’s easy to find an all natural, completely biodegradable alternative. We create our exfoliating beads by solidifying our 100% natural jojoba oil grown on our farm. A completely natural, pure solid jojoba bead where nothing else has been added.

The jojoba bead has this unique spherical shape that glides smoothly over your skin, so they don’t cause those microscopic tears that show-up as red irritation. And because they dissolve as you massage them, jojoba beads are also deeply moisturising. And best of all, absolutely nothing harmful is washed into our oceans and rivers.

Avoid Plastic Everywhere

Look out for products labeled with plastic ingredients such as polyethylene, HDPE, high-density polyethylene or PEHD. Try to avoid nylon and polyester fibres in clothing, bags and fabrics in your home. Through machine washing these micro-fibres end-up in our waterways and act the same way as plastic particles do. Consider reusable bottles and containers rather than a single-use plastic container.